We live in day and age where everyone is looking to save money. We are constantly told to shop around in order to find the best deal.

But one thing you shouldn’t sacrifice when looking for a bargain is quality, and printer cartridges are no exception to this.

While counterfeit printer cartridges can save you a huge amount compared to Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or remanufactured versions, they can cause huge problems to your print quality, hardware and even your personal safety.

Below is a list of the reasons why purchasing counterfeit cartridges should be avoided at all costs.


So many people make the mistake of thinking they can ‘get away’ with poor quality, counterfeit printer cartridges – but the truth is you can’t.

The first problem if you are going to encounter is whether the cartridge will actually work at all. In all honesty, you are dodging a bullet if it doesn’t!

However, if it does pass the initial test, then expect a really poor print compared to original or remanufactured cartridges.

Poor colour quality, splotches and streaks are among the many complaints from counterfeit cartridge users.

Also, expect your counterfeit cartridge to be empty pretty quickly after purchase, as there are rarely fully filled during their slapdash manufacture.


If you get away with only poor quality printing then to be honest, you should be thankful.

The next, more impactful consequence, is damage to your printer. Counterfeit cartridges can cause a variety problems, at that is usually down to poor quality components used in their manufacture and the fact that they are ill-fitting when inserted into your printer.

Expect leaks, bursts and spits from your counterfeit, all of which can cause permanent staining and damage to the hardware.

Physical damage to both your printer, and yourself should also be taken into account as it is a real possibility.

While remanufactured cartridges are far cheaper than OEM versions, they should never be confused or associated with counterfeits.

Here at Red Bus Cartridges, we source used OEM cartridges from our sister company, The Recycling Factory, before remanufacturing and eventually selling.

If a cartridge does not pass any one stage of our testing process, then they are discarded - as are any counterfeits that we ever come across.

For a greater insight into our remanufacturing process, watch the video above.


If you are reading this article then there is a good chance that the above two points may already be something that you have encountered - in which case you might be searching for your printer warranty at the same time as reading this!

Don’t for a second think that your printer manufacturer will uphold your printer warranty if it has broken while you were knowingly using counterfeit ink or toner cartridges.

They won’t – it really is as simple as that. As soon as you knowingly use a counterfeit cartridge, you are essentially voiding the warranty on your printer there and then.

That said, if you have made an innocent mistake, and you are able to prove that you didn’t intentionally go out to buy counterfeit cartridges, then you might just be lucky – depending on the make and model of your printer.


Counterfeit cartridges are generally manufactured overseas, meaning that to reach the United Kingdom, they must be shipped long distances.

The lengthy supply chain involved in shipping these items across the world can be extremely harmful to the environment.

The same cannot be said for our remanufactured cartridges, as we complete all of our manufacturing, from start to finish, right here at our purpose built Lincolnshire factory. This enables us to keep our carbon footprint to a minimum and create a closed loop recycling system, as cartridges can be refurbished on numerous occasions.


That’s right, the manufacturers of these counterfeit cartridges have illegally copied an original design and have more than likely broken UK Patent Laws along the way.

Counterfeit cartridges are illegal to produce and sell – something you really don’t want to get involved in for the sake of saving a few extra quid!

No matter how cheap they are, counterfeit cartridges should always be avoided. We understand that OEM versions can be very expensive, so if you are looking to save money, why not try remanufactured versions?

Visit theredbuscartridgecompany.com to find remanufactured printer cartridges and save up to 70% compared to OEM versions.

Article written by Calum Chinchen – Social Media Executive at Red Bus Cartridges